
September 2023 Dove Hunt

Duckhorn Lodge 13633 NE County Road 14243, Urich, MO

INVITATION REQUIRED To inquire about availability send an email to the address given below with a subject line of Dove Hunt 2023. $250 per Registrant Registrants must be 19+ yrs old (MO Hunting license required) Registration begins July 30, 2023 Hunting will only be in the mornings from 30 minutes before sunrise to noon during the first two weeks of the season. email: [email protected]


2023 Women’s Pheasant Hunt

Duckhorn Lodge 13633 NE County Road 14243, Urich, MO

Shooting Instruction, Shooting Practice, Field Hunt, and Lunch - FREE for all participants


Friends and Family Pheasant Hunt

Duckhorn Lodge 13633 NE County Road 14243, Urich, MO

This is the only fundraiser of the year for Duckhorn Outdoors which allows us to hold FREE events for youth, women, veterans, 1st responders and disabled individuals. This event will be a continental hunt with 400+ pheasants.  The event will include a shooting warmup with clay pigeons and any instruction needed for novice hunters The hunt will be followed by a low country boil lunch. The cost for the event is $350.00

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